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Business Matching rappresenta un punto di incontro tra domanda e offerta. E' il servizio che ti aiuta a individuare partner d'affari e creare relazioni commerciali durature e proficue. Se vuoi pubblicare il tuo annuncio, registrati al portale.

We seek foreign buyers and agents to sell our wines and olive oils Italian
Our company produces wines of Salento in 1869 and now in its third generation has developed the sales of wines in bottles for over 10 years in the Asian market, and continues in the search for new foreign buyers to sell its products of excellence of Pugli

Tipo: Offerta

Data: 24/05/2016

Dimensione: 0-9 addetti

Referente: Giuseppe Cataldo D'Urso

Ragione Sociale: Cantine Oleificio D'Urso srls



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